Bekim Sejranović

Bekim Sejranović was born in 1972 in Brčko, Bosnia and Herzegovina. When he was 13 years old he moved to Rijeka, Croatia, where he visited Maritime Secondary School and started to study literature at the University of Rijeka. In 1992 due to the war situation and discriminatory nationalistic politics in the Balkans he moved to Norway. Bekim holds a MA in South-Slavic literature from the University of Oslo, where he was also teaching South-Slavic literature and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian language. He is the author of the collection of short stories Fasung/The Beating (2002) and three novels Nigdje, niotkuda/Nowhere, from Nowhere (2008), Ljepši kraj/More Beautiful Ending (2010) and Sandale/Sandals (2013), all in Croatian. Bekim is also active as a translator of Norwegian authors to Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian.

His Nigdje, niotkuda/Nowhere, from Nowhere won “Meša Selimović” prize for the best novel published in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro in 2008. Bekim is a member of Norwegian Writers Association, however he writes in Bosnian/Croatian language.

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