Zoran Žmirić

Zoran Žmirić (Rijeka, March 10, 1969). A musician and writer, member of the Croatian Writers' Society.
A finalist for 2008 Best Unpublished Manuscript with “Blockbuster”.
A finalist for 2010 T-Portal Book Awards Novel @ tportal for the best novel. His works are translated into Polish and Italian.

Kazalište sjena (Adamić, 2002.)
Tvar koja nedostaje - kompilacija više autora (Istrakon, 2002.)
Vrijeme koje nam je pojeo Pac-Man (Meandar, 2005.)
Blockbuster (VBZ, 2009. i AdPublik 2012.)
Riječke rock himne (KUD Baklje, 2011.)
Snoputnik (HDP, 2014.)
Zapisano metkom (Studio TiM, 2015.)

"Literary Pen" for the Best Book 2009-2010 awarded for “Blockbuster” by the Croatian Literary Society.
The City of Rijeka Award 2011 for creative activities and special achievements in the field of culture in 2010.

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