Boris Gunjević

Theologian, priest, professor of history of philosophy and liturgy Boris Gunjević was born in 1972 in Zagreb. He was ordained as a priest in the Evangelic Lutheran Church in Croatia. Boris earned his Ph.D. in 2012 from the Catholic Theological Faculty at Zagreb, where he wrote a dissertation „Postmodern Critical Augustinianism of John Milbank”.
Since 1997 he has lectured in several schools and theological colleges in Croatia and abroad and has participated in numerous panel discussions and symposiums. Boris is the author, coauthor and editor of variety of books and articles, including „God in Pain - Inversions of Apocalypse“ (with Slavoj Žižek, 2008).


• God in Pain – Inversions of Apocalypse (Bog na mukama – obrati apokalipse), Slavoj Žižek and Boris Gunjević, 2008
Translations of the book are forthcoming in China, France, Spain, Germany, Turkey, Korea and Brasil (2013).

• Those who are here are from here – History of Charity (Tko je tu, odavde je – povijest milosti),
Boris Gunjević and Predrag Matvejević, 2010

• Crucified Subject – without Grail (Raspeti subjekt. Bez Graala), 2010

• Evangelicals not Angels (Hi)Story of Lutheran Church in Croatia, Lidija Gunjević and Boris Gunjević, 2007


• Theological Carpentry of John Milbank (2013)

• Science in Christ – (working title), Boris Gunjević and Francois Laruelle (2013)

• One Hundred and Fifty Three Fish in the Net (2014)

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