From Nowhere to Nowhere (english)

Bekim Sejranovic's From Nowhere to Nowhere is a subtle yet unforgettable meditation on the factors that shape identity. Raised by his grandparents and scattered to the wind from his hometown of Brcko, Bosnia and Herzegovina, during the Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s, the novel's unnamed narrator travels to Croatia and Norway, trying to reclaim a sense of self he isn't sure he ever possessed in the first place. - Pročitaj više

The President Shop

“The President Shop is a marvelous, timeless book that sweeps between the personal and the panoramic as it asks, Does every family, or country, contain an axis, around which the rest of it spins? Can you hear the voice of a stone? How clearly can anyone see the past or future? For which tyrannies have we been unwittingly waving flags?” - Pročitaj više

Tri novele povezane motivom rijeke kao metafora nepredvidivosti toka života

U ovoj zbirci od tri novele, rijeka je sveprisutna, odlučujuća sila u životima ljudi. I dok rijeka teče smireno, nepromijenjeno, životi ljudi se mijenjaju. Rađaju se, imaju svoje snove koje ostvaruju, na kraju blijede i umiru, dok rijeka traje, dočekujući neke druge ljude. Ljudski život pored vode djeluje maleno, krhko i gotovo beznačajno, dok sebi čovjek tijekom vijeka daje pravo prisvajati vodu, kao da mu ona doista i pripada, utvarajući sebi da je gospodar nečega. Iako se „Na rijekama“, nizozemskog pisca Martina Michaela Driessena (1954.) doima kao knjižica koju čitatelj može preletjeti tijekom jedne večeri, ispostavlja se da ovo nije jednostavno štivo te od čitatelja zahtijeva vrijeme, interes i koncentraciju. Narativno tkivo bogato je lokalnim nizozemskim običajima s početka 20. stoljeća i obiluje dragocjenim autentičnim detaljima života ljudi ruralnih krajeva. - Pročitaj više

Divine Child (eng.)

In the early 1990s, as Yugoslavia begins to crumble, so too does a woman, known only as Mother. Ostracized by her Croatian neighbors because of her Serbian background, the bright cheer Mother brought to her role as a wife and mother is darkened by the onset of mental illness that devours an entire family. - Pročitaj više